SPACE SHIP 60 BUILD: Fuel Range; More Than Just Saving Dollars
Introduction When potential clients contact us, one of their primary questions is often, "What's the range?" My background spans sailing,...
SPACE SHIP 60 BUILD: Fuel Range; More Than Just Saving Dollars
SPACESHIP 60 Build: Setting New Standards in Helm Design for the Modern Catamaran
SPACESHIP 60 BUILD: Crafting a Robust and User-Friendly Electrical System
SPACESHIP 60 BUILD: Brushing up on paint
SPACESHIP 60 BUILD: Time for some structure
SPACESHIP 60 BUILD: Building the Hull
SPACESHIP 60 BUILD: Infusion, what put us on the map
SPACESHIP 60 BUILD:Trying to put some Ikea into custom boat building
SPACESHIP 60 BUILD: The Art of Interior Boat Design
SPACESHIP 60 BUILD: Before we put our tool belts on
The SPACESHIP 60 BUILD: "The Ultimate Fuel-Efficient Catamaran"